Saint of the Day 02/August

Saint of the Day (August 02) ✠ St. Eusebius of Vercelli ✠ Born: March 2, 283 AD, Sardinia, Italy Died: August 1, 371 AD, Vercelli, Italy Patronage: Vercelli Feast: August 2; December 15 (General Roman Calendar 1602–1728); December 16 (General Roman Calendar 1729–1969) He was born on March 2, 283 in Sardinia. His father was a Christian martyr. St. Eusebius was later elected Bishop of Vercelli. When the Emperor Constantine declared Christianity as official religion of Roman Empire, the troubles of Arian sect of Christians started. Pope Liberius instructed Eusebius in A.D. 355 to go and request Emperor Constantius-II at Milan to convoke a council to sort out and end the difference between Athanasius of Alexandria and the Arian Christians. The Emperor convened the synod as requested and Eusebius also attended the synod partly. But Eusebius refused to condemn Athanasius as directed by the Emperor. He...