Saint of the Day 30/January
Saint of the Day
(30 January)
тЬа Blessed Sebastian Valfr├и тЬа
Born: March 9, 1629
Died: January 30, 1710
Sebastian Valfr├и was born on 9 March 1629 at Verduno in the southern Alps. His background was humble тАУ his mother and father were poor farmers and the dull routine of work in the fields with his parents and seven siblings took up much of his childhood. He felt a call to the priesthood at an early age but ran into difficulties with his family, who were loathe to lose his assistance with the farm work, however, he persevered and eventually won them over. He left Verduno to begin his studies in 1641 at the age of twelve and again, these days were not easy for him тАУ at one stage he had to stay up most nights copying out books, to pay for his education, which took him, in its later stages, to Turin for studies with the Jesuits.
Also at Turin was the Oratory, which had in earlier years been influential, particularly on the youth of the city but by 1650 was rather down-at-heel тАУ only one priest, Fr Cambiani, remained and he is described as тАШragged and eccentricтАЩ. It can hardly have been an enticing prospect in human terms but Sebastian nonetheless joined, on St PhilipтАЩs Day, 26 May 1651, being Ordained Deacon only a week later. By the end of the year, the community had been bolstered by the arrival of three new priests, so by the time Sebastian was Ordained Priest in February 1652, the Oratory showed signs of life once more.
St Philip Neri, left and Bl Sebastian
Turin soon began to benefit from his presence as a priest. In common with many cities of that and other ages, it had its share of poverty, which Sebastian did much to alleviate. He was not afraid to ask the rich for alms to give to the poor but he took care to be as discreet as possible, doing much of the distribution at night when it was easier to remain anonymous. These activities took on heightened importance from 1678 to 1680, when famine struck Piedmont and again, during the war between Piedmont and Louis XIV, which culminated for Turin in a seventeen-week siege which caused great hardship as well as anxiety тАФ and which SebastianтАЩs prayers are said to have been efficacious in bringing to a successful end for the inhabitants.
SebastianтАЩs interests and influence were not limited to the duchy. He helped to found the Pontifical Academy of Ecclesiastical Nobles in Rome in 1701, which was established to train diplomats for the Papal States. Under its current name of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, it still fulfils that function for the Vatican City State.
If Sebastian was esteemed by the less well-off, he was also on good terms with those who were more fortunate. In particular, he maintained good relations with the Dukes of Savoy, one of whom, Victor Amadeus II, he had helped to form, from the age of nine, into the just ruler he later became. Sebastian was the spiritual director to the entire court of the Duke and such was the esteem in which he was held, that at one stage the Duke did his best to procure the Archbishopric of Turin for Sebastian. His cause was furthered by the good reputation which he had in the Vatican but SebastianтАЩs humility led him to dread this ecclesiastical dignity and was profoundly grateful to be able to avoid accepting it. Additionally, through his devotion to the Blessed Mother, he inspired the duke to erect the Basilica of Superga.
SebastianтАЩs corporal works of mercy went hand- in-hand with the spiritual. He was very reluctant at first to start taking on the special responsibility for souls involved in hearing confessions тАФ again, his humility is evident тАФ but, once he did, his reputation spread throughout the city. He also searched out penitents far and wide тАФ hospitals, schools, convents, barracks, prisons, galleys all benefited from his concern for spiritual well-being. His success in this field, as well as in his approach to life in the Oratory in general, was probably due, above all else, to his blending of careful attention to detail with a genuine compassion and, his penances reflected this. His penitents told of his ability to read souls . SebastianтАЩs work in the confessional was, at the very least, instrumental in sparking something of a revival of religious observance in Turin тАУ like St Philip, it was said that he had the gift of discernment of spirits.
The life of Sebastian Valfr├и was not one of extravagant and heroic deeds done for God but of the sanctification of an existence of regular routine, year in, year out and of service to God in the circumstances of ordinary life. His cheerful and attractive manner were an example to all and he also had his fair share of difficulties which he had to work hard to overcome. He was, for example, rather petulant and sensitive by nature, being easily offended тАУ he remedied this by trying to be unfailingly polite even to those who hurt him. He also knew what it was to suffer from spiritual darkness, finding prayer a real struggle at times and study even more unattractive. But his perseverance, which manifested itself from his earliest years, stood him in good stead.
The Father who had Paradise in his eyes, Blessed Sebastian, died early in the morning of 30 January 1710. Miracles began even before he could be buried and he was Beatified by Pope Gregory XVI in 1834. His incorrupt body is now preserved in a silver urn in the Oratory Church of Turin.
When Father Sebastian died and his body was laid out in the church, TurinтАЩs citizens wanted to say goodbye to the priest who walked with them, through all the joys and difficulties in life, for sixty years. Father SebastianтАЩs legacy was the extroversion of the faith preached by Christ for the dignity of all people, the witness of Christian charity knew no boundaries.
The Archives of the Turin Oratory possess some 22 volumes of his writings. One of his most important works was his тАШCompendium of Christian DoctrineтАЩ, a Catechism organised on a question and answer basis. This rapidly became a well-used teaching aid and lasted until the introduction of the Catechism of Pope Pius X.
In 1835, a year after Sebastian was Beatified, there was a solemn translation of his relics.
Overshadowed at the time by royalty and ecclesiastical dignitaries, there were three future saints in the crowd. There was Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (1786-1842) тАУ known as тАЬThe Labourer of Divine ProvidenceтАЭ, who devoted himself to the care of the destitute sick; Saint Joseph Cafasso (1811-1860) тАЬThe Priest of the GallowsтАЭ, whose work with prisoners caught the imagination of all Turin and Saint John Bosco (1815-1888), whose work with children is known to the whole world and whose feast day we celebrate tomorrow. All of these could draw their spiritual lineage both by inspiration and imitation to Blessed Sebastian Valfr├и .
Grant us, we beseech You, O Lord, that, as You did wonderfully raise Your priest, Blessed Sebastian, for the salvation of many, so we may persevere in Your love, for the sake of helping souls. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
роЗройрпНро▒рпИроп рокрпБройро┐родро░рпН
(роЬройро╡ро░ро┐ 30)
тЬа роЕро░рпБро│ро╛ро│ро░рпН роЪрпЖрокро╛ро╕рпНроЯро┐ропройрпН ро╡ро╛ро▓рпНроГрокро┐ро░рпЗ тЬа
(Blessed Sebastian Valfr├и)
роХродрпНродрпЛро▓ро┐роХрпНроХ роХрпБро░рпБ/ роЯрпВро░ро┐ройрпН роироХро░ роЕрокрпНрокрпЛро╕рпНродро▓ро░рпН:
рокро┐ро▒рокрпНрокрпБ: рооро╛ро░рпНроЪрпН 9, 1629
ро╡рпЖро░рпНроЯрпБройрпЛ, роЪро╡рпЛропрпН
(Verduno, Duchy of Savoy)
роЗро▒рокрпНрокрпБ: роЬройро╡ро░ро┐ 30, 1710 (ро╡ропродрпБ 80)
роЯрпВро░ро┐ройрпН, роЪро╡рпЛропрпН
(Turin, Duchy of Savoy)
роПро▒рпНроХрпБроорпН роЪрооропроорпН:
ро░рпЛрооройрпН роХродрпНродрпЛро▓ро┐роХрпНроХ родро┐ро░рпБроЪрпНроЪрокрпИ
(Roman Catholic Church)
роорпБроХрпНродро┐рокрпНрокрпЗро▒рпБ рокроЯрпНроЯроорпН: роЬрпВро▓рпИ 15, 1834
родро┐ро░рпБродрпНродроирпНродрпИ рокродро┐ройро╛ро▒ро╛роорпН роХро┐ро░роХрпЛро░ро┐
(Pope Gregory XVI)
роорпБроХрпНроХро┐роп родро┐ро░рпБродрпНродро▓роорпН:
роТро░рпЗроЯрпНроЯро░ро┐ роЖро▓ропроорпН, роЯрпВро░ро┐ройрпН
(Oratory Church of Turin)
роиро┐ройрпИро╡рпБродрпН родро┐ро░рпБроиро╛ро│рпН: роЬройро╡ро░ро┐ 30
роЕро░рпБро│ро╛ро│ро░рпН роЪрпЖрокро╛ро╕рпНроЯро┐ропройрпН ро╡ро╛ро▓рпНроГрокро┐ро░рпЗ, роТро░рпБ роХродрпНродрпЛро▓ро┐роХрпНроХ роХрпБро░рпБро╡рпБроорпН, рокрпБройро┐родро░рпН рокро┐ро▓ро┐рокрпН роирпЗро░ро┐ропро┐ройрпН (Saint Philip Neri) роТро░рпЗроЯрпНроЯро░ро┐ роЪрокрпИ (Oratory) роЙро▒рпБрокрпНрокро┐ройро░рпБроорпН роЖро╡ро╛ро░рпН. роЯрпВро░ро┐ройрпН (Turin) роироХро░ро┐ройрпН роЙро│рпНро│рпВро░рпН роТро░рпЗроЯрпНроЯро░ро┐ роЪрокрпИропро┐ройрпН роХрпБро░рпБро╡ро╛роХ роирпАрогрпНроЯ роХро╛ро▓роорпН роЕроирпНроироХро░ роороХрпНроХро│рпБроХрпНроХрпБ рокрогро┐ропро╛ро▒рпНро▒ро┐ропродро╛ро▓рпН роЯрпВро░ро┐ройрпН роироХро░ роЕрокрпНрокрпЛро╕рпНродро▓ро░рпН (Apostle of Turin) роОройрпНро▒рпБроорпН роЕро┤рпИроХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпБроХро┐ро▒ро╛ро░рпН.
роЕройрпНро▒рпИроп роЗродрпНродро╛ро▓ро┐ропро┐ройрпН роЪро╡рпЛропрпН (Duchy of Savoy) рокро┐ро░ро╛роирпНродро┐ропродрпНродро┐ройрпН "ро╡рпЖро░рпНроЯрпБройрпЛ" (Verduno) роироХро░ро┐ро▓рпН, роПро┤рпИ рокрпЖро▒рпНро▒рпЛро░рпБроХрпНроХрпБрокрпН рокро┐ро▒роирпНрод роЗро╡ро░рпН, роХро╖рпНроЯ роЬрпАро╡ройродрпНродро┐ро▓рпБроорпН, рооро┐роХро╡рпБроорпН роорпБропройрпНро▒рпБ рокрпЛро░ро╛роЯро┐, роЯрпВро░ро┐ройрпН рокро▓рпНроХро▓рпИропро┐ро▓рпН рокроЯрпНроЯроорпН рокрпЖро▒рпБроорпНро╡ро░рпИ ро╡ро┐роЯро╛роорпБропро▒рпНроЪро┐ропрпБроЯройрпН рокро▓рпНро╡рпЗро▒рпБ рокро▓рпНроХро▓рпИроХро│ро┐ро▓рпН рокропро┐ройрпНро▒ро╛ро░рпН.
роЯрпВро░ро┐ройрпН роироХро░ро┐ро▓рпБро│рпНро│ рокрпБройро┐родро░рпН рокро┐ро▓ро┐рокрпН роирпЗро░ро┐ропро┐ройрпН (Saint Philip Neri) роТро░рпЗроЯрпНроЯро░ро┐ (Oratory) роОройрпНро▒ро┤рпИроХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпБроорпН роиро╛ро╡ройрпНроорпИ роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ рокро┐ро░роЪроЩрпНроХроХрпНроХро▓рпИ роЪрокрпИропро┐ро▓рпН, роЕроЪрпНроЪрокрпИропро┐ройрпН роиро┐ро▒рпБро╡ройро░ро╛рой рокро┐ро▓ро┐рокрпН роирпЗро░ро┐ропро┐ройрпН роиро┐ройрпИро╡рпБродрпН родро┐ро░рпБроиро╛ро│ро╛рой роХро┐.рокро┐. 1651роорпН роЖрогрпНроЯро┐ройрпН, роорпЗ рооро╛родроорпН, 26роорпН роиро╛ро│ройрпНро▒рпБ роЗрогрпИроирпНродро╛ро░рпН. роЕродро▒рпНроХрпБрокрпН рокро┐ройрпНро╡ро░рпБроорпН ро╡ро░рпБроЯроорпН, роГрокрпЖрокрпНро░ро╡ро░ро┐ рооро╛родроорпН, 24роорпН роиро╛ро│ройрпНро▒рпБ, роХрпБро░рпБродрпНродрпБро╡ роЕро░рпБроЯрпНрокрпКро┤ро┐ро╡рпБ рокрпЖро▒рпНро▒ро╛ро░рпН. роХро┐.рокро┐. 1656роорпН роЖрогрпНроЯрпБ, роЗро▒рпИропро┐ропро▓ро┐ро▓рпН роорпБройрпИро╡ро░рпН рокроЯрпНроЯроорпН рокрпЖро▒рпНро▒ро╛ро░рпН.
роЯрпВро░ро┐ройрпН роироХро░ роороХрпНроХро│рпБроХрпНроХрпБ роЕро╡ро░ро╛ро▒рпНро▒ро┐роп роЪрпЗро╡рпИропро┐ро▓рпН, роирпЛропрпНро╡ро╛ропрпНрокрпНрокроЯрпНроЯро╡ро░рпНроХро│рпИ роХро╡ройро┐рокрпНрокродро┐ро▓рпБроорпН, роЕроорпНроороХрпНроХро│рпБроХрпНроХрпБ роТрокрпНрокрпБро░ро╡рпБ роЕро│ро┐рокрпНрокродро┐ро▓рпБроорпН рокрпЖро░рпБроорпН роХрпАро░рпНродрпНродро┐ рокрпЖро▒рпНро▒ро╛ро░рпН. роЪро╡рпЛропрпН роЕро░роЪро╡рпИропро┐ройрпН (House of Savoy) рокро┐ро░рокрпБро╡ро╛рой "роЗро░рогрпНроЯро╛роорпН ро╡ро┐роХрпНроЯро░рпН роЕроорпЗроЯро┐ропро╕рпН" (Duke Victor Amadeus II) рооро▒рпНро▒рпБроорпН рокро▓рпНро╡рпЗро▒рпБ роЕро░роЪро╡рпИ роЙро▒рпБрокрпНрокро┐ройро░рпНроХро│ро┐ройрпН роТрокрпНрокрпБро░ро╡ро╛ро│ро░ро╛роХ рокрогро┐ропро╛ро▒рпНро▒ро┐ройро╛ро░рпН. роПро┤рпИроХро│ро┐ро▓рпБроорпН, ро░ро╛роЪрпНроЪро┐ропродрпНродро┐ройрпН роЕро╡роЪро┐ропрокрпНрокроЯрпБроорпН роороХрпНроХро│ро┐ро▓рпБроорпН роЕроХрпНроХро▒рпИ роХрпКрогрпНроЯро┐ро░рпБроирпНрод роЗро╡ро░рпН, ро╡ро┐родро╡рпИрокрпН рокрпЖрогрпНроХро│рпБроХрпНроХрпБроорпН роЕроиро╛родрпИроХро│рпБроХрпНроХрпБроорпН роЙродро╡рпБро╡родро┐ро▓рпБроорпН рооро┐роХрпБроирпНрод роХро╡ро▓рпИ роХрпКрогрпНроЯро┐ро░рпБроирпНродро╛ро░рпН. роЕродрпНродрпБроЯройрпН, роЪро┐ро▒рпИроХрпН роХрпИродро┐роХро│рпИроХрпН роХро╛рог роЕроЯро┐роХрпНроХроЯро┐ роЪрпЖро▓рпНро╡родрпБроЯройрпН, роЕро╡ро░рпНроХро│рпБроХрпНроХрпБроорпН роЖро▒рпБродро▓ро│ро┐рокрпНрокро╛ро░рпН. роЗро▒рпБродро┐ропро┐ро▓рпН, роЯрпВро░ро┐ройрпН рокрпЗро░ро╛ропро░рпН роЕро▓рпБро╡ро▓роХ роиро┐ропрооройроорпН роЕро╡ро░рпБроХрпНроХрпБ ро╡ро┤роЩрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпНроЯродрпБ. роЖройро╛ро▓рпН роЕроирпНрод роиро┐ропрооройродрпНродрпИ роЕро╡ро░рпН роиро┐ро░ро╛роХро░ро┐родрпНродро╛ро░рпН.
роХро┐.рокро┐. 1678-80роорпН роЖрогрпНроЯрпБроХро│ро┐ро▓рпН родро▓рпИро╡ро┐ро░ро┐родрпНродро╛роЯро┐роп рокроЮрпНроЪродрпНродро┐ройрпНрокрпЛродрпБроорпН, роГрокро┐ро░ро╛ройрпНро╕рпН роиро╛роЯрпНроЯро┐ройрпН роЕро░роЪройрпН (King of France) "рокродро┐ройро╛ройрпНроХро╛роорпН ро▓рпВропро┐ро╕рпН" (Louis XIV) рооро▒рпНро▒рпБроорпН "рокро┐ропрпЗроорпКрогрпНроЯрпН" (Piemonte) роЖроХро┐ропрпЛро░ро┐роЯрпИропрпЗ роироЯроирпНрод рокрпЛро░ро┐ройрпНрокрпЛродрпБ роироЯроирпНрод роЯрпВро░ро┐ройрпН роироХро░ 17 ро╡ро╛ро░ роорпБро▒рпНро▒рпБроХрпИропро┐ройрпНрокрпЛродрпБроорпН ро╡ро╛ро▓рпНроГрокро┐ро░рпЗ роПро┤рпИ роОро│ро┐роп роороХрпНроХро│рпБроХрпНроХрпБ роЪрпЖропрпНрод роЪрпЗро╡рпИроХро│рпН роЕро│рокрпНрокро▒рпНро▒родрпБроорпН, рокро╛ро░ро╛роЯрпНроЯрпБродро▓рпБроХрпНроХрпБ роЙро░ро┐ропродро╛роХрпБроорпН. рокрпЛро░ро┐ройрпНрокрпЛродрпБ роЗро░ро╛рогрпБро╡ ро╡рпАро░ро░рпНроХро│рпБроХрпНроХрпБ роЕро╡ро░рпН рооро┐ро╖ройро░ро┐ропро╛роХро╡рпБроорпН рокрогро┐ропро╛ро▒рпНро▒ро┐ройро╛ро░рпН.
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